살구나무 목록 (47권). 2022.5.22 ~ 2023.4.19.
1.Elinor Ostrom. 1990. Governing the Commons: the Evolution of Institions for Collective Action. Cambridge. 216 pages.
2. Edward O. Wilson. 2014. The Meaning of Human Existence. Liveright. 187 pages.
3. Carol Kaesuk Yoon. 2009. Naming Nature: The Clash between Instinct and Science. W.W.Norton. 299 pages.
4. Amitav Acharya and Barry Buzan. 2019. The Making of Global International Relations: Origins and Evolution of IR at its Centenary. Cambridge. 320 pages.
5. Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods. 2020. Survival of the Friendliest: Understanding our orgins and rediscovering our common humanity. Oneworld Publications. 197 pages.
6. Tim Harford. 2016. Messy: The Power of disorder to transform our lives. Riverhead Books. 265 pages.
7. David Ropeik. 2010. How risky is it really? Why our fears don't always match the facts. McGraw Hill. 262 pages.
8. Jeffry Friedan, David Lake, and Kenneth Schultz. 2016. World Politc: Interests, Interactions, Institutions. W.W.Norton. 627 pages.
9. 스테판 허친슨 외 5인 (강대훈 옮김). 2011. 아주 특별한 바다여행: 지구 최후의 미개척지. 시그마북스. 231쪽.
10. Robert Greene. 2018. The Laws of Human Nature. Viking. 586 pages.
11. Binyamin Appelbaum. 2019. The Economists' Hour: False prophets, free markets, and the fracture of society. Little, Brown and Company. 332 pages.
12. William McNeill. 1982. The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Forces, and Society since AD. 1000. The University of Chicago Press. 387 pages.
13. Laszlo Bock. 2015. Work Rules!: Insights from inside Google that will transform how you live and lead. Twelve. 365 pages.
14. Joshua Greene. 2013. Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason, and the Gap between Us and Them. Penguin books. 353 pages.
15. Rudolf Vrba. 2020(2002). I escaped from Auschwitz: The shocking true story of the world war II hero who escaped the Nazis and helped save over 200,000 Jews. Racehorse publishing. 446 pages.
16. Gary Marcus. 2008. Kludge: the Haphazard Evolution of the Human Mind. Mariner Books. 176 pages.
17. William H. McNeill. 1977. Plagues and Peoples. Anchor Books. 257 pages.
18. 홍완식. 2021. 소재, 인류와 만나다: 인간이 찾아내고 만들어온 모든 소재 이야기. 삼성경제연구소. 360쪽.
19. 박창식. 2017. 언론의 언어 왜곡, 숨은 의도와 기법. 커뮤니케이션북스. 109쪽.
20. Daniel Kahneman, Oliver Sibony, and Cass Sunstein. 2021. Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgement. Little, Brown Spark. 395 pages.
21. 한혜경. 2022. 기꺼이 오십, 나를 배워야 할 시간: 오래된 나와 화해하는 자기 역사 쓰기의 즐거움. 297쪽.
22. 이즈미 마사토 (김윤수 옮김). 2014. 부자의 그릇: 돈을 다루는 능력을 키우는 법. 다산 북스. 223쪽.
23. 자청. 2022. 역행자: 돈, 시간, 운명으로부터 완전한 자유를 얻는 7단계 인생 공략집. 웅진 지식하우스. 289쪽.
24. Howard Zinn. 1999. A People's History of the United States: 1492-present. Harper perennial. 688 pages.
25. Christian Rudder. 2014. Dataclysm: Love, Sex, Race, and Identity - What our online lives tell us about our offline selves. Broadway Books. 262 pages.
26. Louise Aronson. 2019. Elderhood: Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, Reimagining Life. Bloomsbury. 400 pages.
27. Louis A. Bloomfield. 2013. How Things Work: the physics of everyday life. 5th ed. John Wiley & Son. 543 pages.
28. 우치다 다쓰루 외 지음. 2018. 인구감소 사회는 위험하다는 착각. 위즈덤 하우스. 294쪽.
29. Antonio Damasio. 2018. The Strange Order of Things: Life, Feeling, and the Making of Cultures. Pantheon Books. 244 pages.
30. 최병삼,김창욱,조원영. 2014. 플랫폼, 경영을 바꾸다. 삼성경제연구소. 321쪽.
31. Addy Pross. 2012. What is Life? : How Chemistry becomes biology. Oxford University Press. 199 pages.
32. Carl Zimmer. 2021. A Planet of Virus. 3rd ed. University of Chicago Press. 132 pages.
33. John Hill, Terry McCreary, and Doris Kalb. 2013. Chemistry for Changing Times. 13th ed. Pearson. 706 pages.
34. Douglass North. 1990. Institutions, institutional change and economic performance. Cambridge University Press. 140 pages.
35. Nolan Gasser. 2019. Why you like it: the science and culture of musical taste. Flatiron books. 645 pages.
36. Desmond Morris. 1999(1967). The Naked Ape: A Zoologist's Study of the Human Animal. Delta Book. 241 pages.
37. Frank Snowden. 2019. Epidemics and Society: from the Black Death to the Present. Yale University Press. 505 pages.
38. Edward Wilson. 2004(1978). On Human Nature. Harvard University Press. 209 pages.
39. James Scott. 2017. Against the Grain: A deep hostory of the early states. Yale University Press. 256 pages.
40. Oliver Sacks. 1998(1970). The Man who mistook his wife for a hat and other clinical tales. Touchstone. 233 pages.
41. Frans de Waal. 2019. Mama's Last Hug: animal emotions and what they tell us about ourselves. Norton. 278 pages.
42. Randolf Nesse. 2019. Good Reasons for Bad Feelings: Insight from the frontier of evolutionary psychiatry. Dutton. 269 pages.
43. Robert Dahl. 1998. On Democracy. Yale University Press. 188 pages.
44. 박을미. 2011. 모두를 위한 서양음악사 1: 서양음악사 100 장면으로 편하게 읽기. 가람기획. 265쪽.
45. Robert Dahl. 2005(1961). Who Governs? Democracy and Power in an American City. 2nd ed. Yale Univ. Press. 325 pages.
46. Daniell Schacter. 2001. The Seven Sins of Memory: How the mind forgets and remember. Houghton Mifflin Co. 206 pages.
47. Albert-Laszlo Barabasi. 2014(2002). Linked: How everything is connected to everything else and what it means for business, science, and everyday life. Basic Books. 238 pages.
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